Fornitore Ingrosso

Alimentatori Distributore

[ Honiton, Regno Unito ] Alimentatori Distributore é un Distributore

We are the exclusive UK power supply supplier and sales representative for Hitron Electronics Corporation of Taiwan. The partnership is in its 21st Year and we now offer more products than ever before. They manufacture a wide range of power supplies and the range includes state of the art power supply technology as well as linear, switch mode, eurocard, din rail, and DC-DC power supplies, wallmount and desktop external adaptors, PCB mounting and encapsulated power supplies, medical power supplies and many more.

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Tipo di Business:
Distributore [Honiton, Regno Unito]
Settore Industria:
Alimentatori, Caricabatterie, Computer Cavi e Connettori
Internal switchings, external switchings, external traditional linears, compact pci, onboard and chassis mount AC and DC, onboard encapsulated, eurocard AC and DC, car cigarette plug adapters, wallmount, desktop, car adapters, open frame and other, cables, connectors.

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CercaSuggerisci NuovaCategorie:Industrie energia elettrica distributorus categorie: