Fornitore Ingrosso

Dolci E Cioccolato Produttore

[ Blackburn, Regno Unito ] Dolci E Cioccolato Produttore é un Produttore

Established in in 1994, our company specialises in the manufacture and wholesale of branded, licensed and private label cake and pastry products to major multiple retailers. We also supply cakes and confectionery to independent retailers and to the food service sector. We operate from 12 bakery sites throughout the UK, with a further bakery located in Szczecin in Poland. The business has grown consistently over the years. This growth has been driven by acquisition and also organically as we have increased sales in all of the businesses that we have acquired.

Si prega di citare Pagine Ingrosso Italia, quando ci contattate.

Tipo di Business:
Produttore [Blackburn, Regno Unito, est. 1994]
Settore Industria:
Dolci e Cioccolato, Dolciari, Panetteria e Pasticceria
Frozen foods, conectionery, fruit pies, cakes, swiss rolls, celebration cakes.

Dettagli Contatto:

Persona di Contatto:

Disponibile ad Acquirenti Premium (Executive)

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