Fornitore Ingrosso

Gioielli In Argento 925 Produttore

[ Rochester, Regno Unito ] Gioielli In Argento 925 Produttore é un Produttore

Founded in 2002, our company is a professional designer and manufacturer of sterling silver jewellery. We produce a variety of unique talismans, symbolic and intriguing jewellery. Our company specializes in the design collections influenced by celtic art, ancient Egypt, native Americans, nature, mystery and mythology. We export our product in domestic market as well as to European countries. Our company has flexible manufacturing capability which satisfies our customers and keeps long terms relationship with clients.

Si prega di citare Pagine Ingrosso Italia, quando ci contattate.

Tipo di Business:
Produttore [Rochester, Regno Unito, est. 2002]
Settore Industria:
Gioielli in Argento 925
Silver jewellery

Persona di Contatto:

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CercaSuggerisci NuovaCategorie:Gioielli produttorus categorie: