Fornitore Ingrosso

Borse Per Computer E Accessori Distributore

[ Basingstoke, Regno Unito ] Borse Per Computer E Accessori Distributore é un Distributore

Our company is a distributor of computer peripherals and accessories. We are leader in value added distribution and integrated supply chain for the converging wireless and IT industries. Our company provides high quality products, excellence service and prompt delivery at competitive prices. We enhance the performance and profitability of four key components in the wireless ecosystem. Our company works with our customers to increase market share, extend channel reach, generate products demand and sell through.

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Tipo di Business:
Distributore [Basingstoke, Regno Unito]
Settore Industria:
Borse per Computer e Accessori, Desktop Pc, Pda
Computer Peripherals & Accessories Such As Cases & Sleeves, Desktop Accessories, Docking Stations, Power Accessories, Server Accessories, Desktops, Handhelds & Pdas, Laptops, Netbooks, Notebooks, Tablet Pcs, Servers, Gaming Controllers, Graphic Cards, Keyboards, Mice, Monitors, Photocopiers, Printers & Faxes, Scanners, Sound Cards, Flash Memory, Hard Drives, Ups, Papers & Films, Software, Networki

Persona di Contatto:

Disponibile ad Acquirenti Premium (Vendite)

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CercaSuggerisci NuovaCategorie:Computer e software distributorus categorie: