Fornitore Ingrosso

Carne E Pollame Produttore

[ Chesterfield, Regno Unito ] Carne E Pollame Produttore é un Produttore

Our company was founded in 2003. We are a manufacturer and supplier of food products. We offer high standards catering supplies such as bakery products, desserts, starters, fresh meat and pies, fish and seafood, cleaning supplies, chef's essential products and many more catering supplies.

Si prega di citare Pagine Ingrosso Italia, quando ci contattate.

Tipo di Business:
Produttore [Chesterfield, Regno Unito, est. 2003]
Settore Industria:
Carne e Pollame, Pesci e Frutti di Mare, Vegetali Inscatolati
Food products such as sausage rolls, mini eggs, smoked salmon blinis, chicken teddies, potato smiles, burgers, full rack of ribs, bread, cheese & deli, sliced white bread, brown bread, tortilla wrap, cheddar & whiskey, smoky cheddar, pork loin in apple cider, chicken & smoky bacon conchigile, tuna pasta bake, vegetable lasagnes, duck breast in plum & ginger, stilton & vegetable crumble, desserts & coffee, table desserts, ice cream, hot puddings, apple pie, carrot cake, fruit cakes, sorbets, dry goods, sauces, mustards & chutneys, herbs, spices, dried fruit & nuts, canned veg, fruit a7mp; fish, fruit, jams & pie fillings, beverages & dairy products, soup & gravy, pasta & rice, oils & vinegars, cleaning products, fresh meat & pies, pasties, chef's products, cooking ports, savory tart case, red curry paste, ginger puree, green pesto, curry range, sweet & sour chicken curry, chicken tikka curry, chicken curry, thai curry, macaroni cheese, fish & seafood, scampi, tuna steak, swordfish steak, cod fillets, halibut steaks, whitby breaded scampi, garlic & herb salmon goujons, lemon & pepper haddock goujons, smoked haddock & gruyere cheese fish cakes & many more food products

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