Fornitore Ingrosso

Sacchetti Di Carta E Plastica Produttore

[ Elk Grove Village, Stati Uniti ] Sacchetti Di Carta E Plastica Produttore é un Produttore

Our company is a manufacturer of custom plastic bags. We offer variety of products such as die-cut plastic handle bags, 4 color process plastic handle bags, budget plastic handle bags, plastic furniture covers, plain plastic garment bags, plastic gusset bags, plastic mattress bags on rolls, plastic pet fish bags, white block plastic ziptop bags and zip top plastic bags.

Si prega di citare Pagine Ingrosso Italia, quando ci contattate.

Tipo di Business:
Produttore [Elk Grove Village, Stati Uniti]
Settore Industria:
Sacchetti di Carta e Plastica, Pacchetti, Scatole e Sacchi
Die-Cut Plastic Handle Bags, 4 Color Process Plastic Handle Bags, Budget Plastic Handle Bags, Plastic Punch Handle Bag With Ziptop Closure, Custom Imprinted Plastic Trash Bags, Printed Plastic Door Knob Bags, High Density Plastic Retail Bags, Printed Polypropelene Or Cellophane, Low Density Plastic T-Shirt Bags, High Density Plastic T-Shirt Bags, Plastic Drawtap Bags, Plastic Garment Bags, Printed Plastic Ziptop Bags, Plastic Litter Bags, Plastic Ice Cube Bags Custom Printed, Plastic Newspaper Bags Printed, Stock Plastic Bags, Anti-Static Plastic Bags, Large Gusseted Plastic Bags, Large Multi-Purpose Plastic Bags, Large Plastic Bags, Multi-Purpose Plastic Bags, Multi-Purpose Plastic Trash Bags, Plastic Door Knob Bags, Plastic Furniture Covers, Plain Plastic Garment Bags, Plastic Gusset Bags, Plastic Mattress Bags On Rolls, Plastic Pet Fish Bags, White Block Plastic Ziptop Bags & Zip Top Plastic Bags

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