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Semi E Bulbi Produttorus

[ Hyderabad, Cina ]

Prodotti: Forage seeds, bird seeds, oil seeds, sprouting seeds, vegetable seeds, foods, spices, grains, cereals. …

Profilo: Established in 1957, our company is an exporter of agricultural commodities such as seeds, spices and other agricultural commodities such as bird seeds, sprout seed, forage seeds, oil seeds, vegetable seeds, grains and cereals. We have an annual sales volume ranging from USD 5 millions to USD 10 … Maggiori informazioni all'ingrosso su questo produttore

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Semi E Bulbi Produttorus

[ New Delhi City, India ]

Prodotti: Olio di semi, noci, piselli, lenticchie, legumi, olio, cereali, cerals, si nutre di uccelli, mangimi per animali, le spezie, e cotoni. …

Profilo: La nostra società è stata cotoni commerciali, semi oleosi, lenticchie, cereali, mangimi per animali, frutta secca e spezie. Abbiamo una rete di 20 uffici dislocati in tutta l'India con una forza lavoro totale di oltre 150 persone, siamo fiduciosi nelle nostre capacità di soddisfare qualsiasi … Maggiori informazioni all'ingrosso su questo produttore

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Semi E Bulbi Produttorus

[ Avrille, Francia ]

Prodotti: Gardening gifts and seeds. …

Profilo: Founded in 1927, we are a professional manufacturer of seeds and gardening gifts. Our company offers that best in the market at reasonable prices. We have established a perfect quality control system and a strict and standard production management for the proper monitoring of production processes. … Maggiori informazioni all'ingrosso su questo produttore

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Semi E Bulbi Produttorus

[ Aumsville, Stati Uniti ]

Prodotti: Grass seeds …

Profilo: Our company was founded in 1986. We are a manufacturer of grass seed. Our company specializes in cool season grass seed research and development in the production of these grasses. We visit with our seed farmers throughout all stages of the growing process and oversee the harvesting, cleaning, … Maggiori informazioni all'ingrosso su questo produttore

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Semi E Bulbi Produttorus

[ Gary, Stati Uniti ]

Prodotti: Lawn care & pet products such as seeds, grass seeds, fertilizers & conditioners, straw & pellets, dog patch …

Profilo: Our company is a manufacturer and distributor of lawn care and pet products. We have incorporated such biodegradable elements as seaweed and kelp to help make your lawn beautifully green and safe. Our mission is to provide unique products, stylish designs to customers at competitive rates. We pride … Maggiori informazioni all'ingrosso su questo produttore

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Semi E Bulbi Produttorus

[ Troy, Stati Uniti ]

Prodotti: Gardening products & accessories such as seeds, packaged plants, garden sprinkles, grow bottles, herbs, flowers, fruits, bamboo boxes & pots, …

Profilo: We are a manufacturer of gardening products and accessories. Our company is dedicated to the continual development of product to excite your customer senses and to satisfy your most design oriented clients. We are running efficiently, with goal of minimizing impacts to the environment. … Maggiori informazioni all'ingrosso su questo produttore

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Semi E Bulbi Produttorus

[ Horstedt, Germania ]

Prodotti: Garden products such as seed bombs, pest control products, fertilizers, bird seeds, parasite defense & care products for pets, natural mold …

Profilo: We are a manufacturer of garden products. Our company takes all reasonable precautions to keep details of our customer order and payment secure. We strive for continuous improvement through customer services, innovation and strong work ethic. Our company mission is to continuously better ourselves, … Maggiori informazioni all'ingrosso su questo produttore

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Semi E Bulbi Produttorus

[ Osborne Park, Australia ]

Prodotti: Native seeds & seed processing machinery such as seed vacuum harvesters, cone seeders, seed cleaners, threshers, aluminum sieves, cleaning …

Profilo: We were established in 1970. Our company is a manufacturer of native seeds and seed processing machinery. We continue our development of superior products and services through intelligent recruitment, thorough market research and underlying passion for sustainable products to environmental … Maggiori informazioni all'ingrosso su questo produttore

Semi E Bulbi Produttore Profile | Sito Web | Contatta Fornitore


Semi E Bulbi Produttorus

[ Inkberrow, Regno Unito ]

Prodotti: Lawn Seeds …

Profilo: Our company is a manufacturer of lawn seed products. We bring wealth of experience to the leisure gardener with range designed to create lawn for every lifestyle. Our company produces high quality options tailored to consumer individual requirements as well as to changing weather patterns. … Maggiori informazioni all'ingrosso su questo produttore

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Semi E Bulbi Produttorus

[ Ipswich, Regno Unito ]

Prodotti: Quick Fix Grass Seed, Hard Wearing Grass Seed, Shade Tolerant Grass Seed, Patching Grass Seed kit with coir, Premium Quality Grass Seed & Multi …

Profilo: Our company was started in 1983. We are a manufacturer of grass seeds. We offer Multi Purpose Grass Seeds for gardens and lawns. … Maggiori informazioni all'ingrosso su questo produttore

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